Картина – “Три дерева в поле” / Oil painting – “Three trees in the field”

Creation date: 04.2019 Size: 70×50 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/trees-green-field-oil-painting-painted-landscape-grove-wildflowers-against-blue-skies-image143906151#res67084 Status: For Sale

Картина – “Охотник” / Oil painting – “Hunter”

Картина - "Охотник"

Creation date: 07.2012 Size: 80×60 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-painting-prehistoric-man-image26285960#res67084 Status: Sold

Картина – “Цветы возле реки Салмон” / Oil painting – “Flowers near the Salmon River”

Картина - "Цветы около реки Салмон"

Creation date: 12.2011 Size: 30×24 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-painting-flowers-river-image22736211#res67084 Status: Sold