Картина – “На Гоголевском бульваре” / Oil painting – “On Gogolevsky Boulevard”

Картина - "На Гоголевском бульваре"

Creation date: 07.2017 Size: 50×40 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-illustration-pathway-woods-autumn-oil-painting-illustrating-clothed-colors-character-seated-bench-path-image97112730#res67084 Status: For Sale

Картина – “Спокойный уголок на пересечении улиц Singel и Torensteeg” / Oil painting – “Relaxed corner of Singel and Torensteeg streets”

Картина-"Relaxed corner of Singel and Torensteeg streets"

Creation date: 05.2011 Size: 50×35 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license on ShutterStock: https://www.shutterstock.com/en/g/hydrostog?rid=195907750 Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-image-street-scene-painting-image19514406#res67084 Status: Sold