Картина – “Цветы возле реки Салмон” / Oil painting – “Flowers near the Salmon River”

Картина - "Цветы около реки Салмон"

Creation date: 12.2011 Size: 30×24 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-painting-flowers-river-image22736211#res67084 Status: Sold

Картина – “Арктический заяц” / Oil painting – “Arctic hare”

Картина - "Арктический заяц"

Creation date: 11.2011 Size: 30×25 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-arctic-hare-painting-image22414847#res67084 Status: Sold

Картина – “Залив Караг” / Oil painting – “Gulf of Karag”

Картина - "Залив Караг"

Creation date: 08.2011 Size: 50×39 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-lake-countryside-image22094037#res67084 Status: Sold

Картина – “Евпатория” / Oil painting – “Evpatoria”

Картина - "Евпатория"

Creation date: 07.2011 Size: 50×30 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-painting-boat-water-image20383687#res67084 Status: Sold

Картина – “Спокойный уголок на пересечении улиц Singel и Torensteeg” / Oil painting – “Relaxed corner of Singel and Torensteeg streets”

Картина-"Relaxed corner of Singel and Torensteeg streets"

Creation date: 05.2011 Size: 50×35 cm. Materials: oil, canvas Buy photo license on ShutterStock: https://www.shutterstock.com/en/g/hydrostog?rid=195907750 Buy photo license: https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-image-street-scene-painting-image19514406#res67084 Status: Sold